Tendência - Pérolas

by - 02:53

Desde o estilo rock, clássico, feminino ou contemporâneo, as pérolas reinventam-se e usam-se como ornamento em sapatos, carteiras, colares, brincos, anéis e pulseiras.

Street Style Mil�n Fashion Week Oto�o Invierno 2016:
Vintage Moschino Peace Pearl Bag:
Elegant Mise en Pearl double pearl earrings go with everything - and are a wonderful gift for a lady you love. | Isabelle Pearl Earrings at @maisonmiru:
statement jewellery. gold rings and earrings with pearl added to the mix:
...Pearls! Tons of new arrivals at www.glamourandglow.com .... Fast delivery! Free shipping over $50 for US GALACTIC PEARL Y NECKLACE | Glamour and Glow: Pearl Cuff in gold or silver from Jenny Bird.:

(Imagens retiradas do Pinterest)

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